Police fire rubber bullets and tear gas at Johannesburg township protesters

요하네스버그 시정부 시위대에게 고무 총알과 최루 가스를 발사한 경찰

South African police fired stun grenades and rubber bullets at protesters in Johannesburg's southern township of Ennerdale on Tuesday (May 9), as residents continued to pile pressure on the government to deliver on its promises of housing and jobs. The residents blocked a highway with burning tyres, road signs and rocks.

번역: 남아프리카 경찰은 화요일 (5월 9일) 요하네스 버그의 남부 타운인 Ennerdale에서 시위자들에게 수류탄과 고무 총알을 발사했다. 주민들은 주택과 일자리 정책을 약속한 정부에 계속 압력을 가하기 시작했다. 주민들은 타이어, 도로 표지판, 돌덩이로 고속도로를 막았습니다.

Riot police in protective gear fired several rounds of tear gas and rubber bullets. Poor South Africans in black townships and shantytowns say they have not seen the benefits of the end of white minority rule more than two decades ago. But the government is limited by South Africa's weak economy, which has hardly grown since emerging from a 2009 recession, and is wary of policies that might further tarnish its image as an investor-friendly emerging market.

나머지 번역은 아래 주소로 오세요!


Ostrich-like robot balances itself as it runs

달리면서 스스로 균형을 이루는 타조형 로봇

This ostrich-like robot is testing the limits of two-legged locomotion.

번역: 이 타조형 로봇은 두 다리 운동의 한계를 테스트 하고 있습니다.

Known as the Elliptical Runner, it was built by researchers from the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition in Florida.

번역: Elliptical Runner로 알려진 로봇은 플로리다의 Human and Machine Cognition 연구소의 연구원에 의해 만들어졌습니다.

Hitting speeds up to 12 miles per hour, it has just one motor to drive both legs.

번역: 시간당 최대 12마일 속도를 내면서 두 다리를 움직일 수 있는 모터가 하나뿐입니다.

And there's no sensors or computers on board to help keep it upright. Instead, what the developers call its 'dynamic geometry' helps it keep balance while running. When the leg feels resistance it puts more power in to match that resistance and overcome it. The team says it could help inform future bi-pedal robot design to make them more efficient. Robots that are agile like this could eventually be used in situations where it's too dangerous to send a human, such as search and rescue missions.

나머지 번역은 아래 주소로 오세요!


Macron storms to victory in French election

프랑스 선거에서 승리를 가져온 마크롱

France has a new president... And his name is Emmanuel Macron.

번역: 프랑스에는 새로운 대통령이 있습니다... 그리고 그의 이름은 Emmanuel Macron입니다.

Early projections showing the 39-year-old independent centrist has won the second round vote... Fighting off far-right wing rival Marine Le Pen... And securing the keys to the Elysee Palace.

번역: 39세의 독립적 중도 주의자를 보여준 초기 계획안은 2라운드 때 득표를 얻었습니다... 우익 라이벌 마린 르 펜과 싸우고... 엘리제 궁전의 열쇠를 확보했습니다.

It's been billed as France's most important election in recent times. One which did away with the old left-right divide that has governed the country for decades.

번역: 그것은 최근 프랑스의 가장 중요한 선거가 되었습니다. 지난 수십년 동안 그 나라를 지배해 온 좌우 격차를 해소시킨 사람입니다.

Pro-EU leaders the bloc over likely breathing a sigh of relief... As France resists the anti-establishment wave that swept Trump into power and brought about Brexit. Macron had been economy minister under Socialist President Francois Hollande. He left to set up his own party, En Marche! just 12 months ago. The strongly Europe-minded ex-banker wants to cut state regulations in the economy while protecting workers. But the ex-banker currently has no representation in the French parliament. And the relative newcomer to politics might struggle to cobble together a centrist majority to push through his program. Elections in June may see him forced into an awkward "cohabitation" with the right wing conservatives.

나머지 번역은 아래 URL로 방문해 주세요.


China eyes Airbus and Boeing with homemade jet
중국, 국산 항공기로 에어버스 및 보잉과 경쟁

A debut in the skies for China's first big homemade passenger jet. The completion of this maiden flight is a cause for celebration in Beijing - The C919 plane is manufactured by the state-owned Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China.
번역: 중국 최초의 국산 대형 여객기가 데뷔했습니다. 이 첫 비행은 중국에서 기뻐할 만한 일입니다. C919 비행기는 중국 국영 항공기 공사가 제조한 것입니다.

It's a symbol of the country's 'Made in China 2025' plan, which aims to boost high-tech domestic production.
번역: 이는 중국의 ‘메이드 인 차이나 2025’ 계획의 상징이며, 첨단 기술의 국내 생산을 활성화하는데 목적이 있습니다.

"I feel really stunned that the Chinese aviation industry has an even bigger platform to take off from. I actually build fighter planes, so when I saw today's maiden flight , I really was stunned."
번역: "저는 중국 항공 산업이 더 크게 도약했음에 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 저는 실제로 전투기를 만드는 일에 종사하는데, 오늘 국산 여객기의 첫 비행을 보니 감회가 남다릅니다."

Planes are considered an important investment, with the global aircraft market estimated to be worth two trillion dollars over the next 20 years. "Obviously China is expected to be the largest market for future aircraft demand. The number of people flying in China is set to overtake the U.S. in a not too distant future . And so, China is setting itself up to have a home-grown industry that can take on some of that demand. And so eventually, naturally, China is probably going to choose its own aircraft manufacturer over the likes of Boeing and Airbus." But it's likely to be several years before China faces off with heavyweights Airbus and Boeing. The C919 test flight had been pushed back at least twice in the past - And the plane will have to pass safety inspections before being able to carry actual passengers.

나머지 번역은 아래 URL로 방문해 주세요.

Apple plans new store in "red dot" Singapore
애플의 새로운 매장 "red dot" 싱가포르에 계획

Apple Inc is getting ready to open its first Apple Store in Singapore on the island's prime Orchard Road shopping boulevard.

번역: 애플은 메인 오차드로드 쇼핑가에 싱가포르 최초의 애플 매장을 오픈 할 준비를 하고 있습니다.

The storefront at Knightsbridge Mall is covered by a white facade with a large red Apple logo next to a heart and red dot above the store name "Apple Orchard Road".
번역: 나이츠브릿즈 몰의 상점 정면은 흰색 외관으로 덮여 있으며 하트 모양 옆에 큰 빨간색 애플 "Apple Orchard Road" 로고가 있으며 로고 위에 빨간색 점이 있습니다.

Singaporeans often refer to their city state as a "little red dot" on the map of Southeast Asia. The Straits Times newspaper reported that barricades outside the store were removed on Wednesday night, suggesting the store would open soon. In the Asia-Pacific region the Cupertino, California-based company already operates retail stores in China, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau and Australia.

나머지 번역은 아래 URL로 방문해 주세요.


Britain and EU must agree way of settling accounts - Barnier
영국과 유럽 연합, 계좌 정산 방식에 합의해야 - Barnier

The European Union's chief Brexit negotiator said on Wednesday (May 3) that London and the bloc need to agree on a clear way of calculating how much Britain owed before starting any talks about a future relationship.

번역: 유럽 ​​연합의 Brexit 협상 대표는 수요일 (5월 3일) 런던과 블록이 향후 관계에 관한 논의를 시작하기 앞서 영국이 얼마나 많은 돈을 썼는지를 계산하는 명확한 방법에 대해 동의 할 필요가 있다고 밝혔다.

Speaking at a news conference four days after remaining EU leaders agreed their negotiating lines during an EU Summit, Michel Barnier dismissed criticism that the financial settlement, which media reports estimated at up to 100 billion euros, was aimed at punishing London, adding this was a matter of settling the accounts.
번역: 미셸 바르니에 총리는 유럽연합 정상 회담에서 회담이 끝난지 4일 만에 기자 회견을 통해 런던을 처벌하려는 언론의 보도에 대해 계좌 정산의 문제가 있다고 연설하였습니다.

EU leaders have agreed a two-phase approach to Brexit talks, with commitments on citizens' rights, the budget and borders in phase one, before talks about matters such as future trade relations between the bloc and Britain. Barnier said these negotiations will take time and that believing they can be done quickly and painlessly is an illusion: "as soon as the UK is ready to come to the table we will start negotiating. The clock is ticking."

나머지 번역은 다음 URL로~ http://hunift.blogspot.kr/2017/05/reuters-britain-and-eu-must-agree-way.html

3D-printed 'chain mail' could provide protection in space
나사에서 3D 프린터로 만든 우주용 체인메일

A new "fabric" designed at NASA'S Jet Propulsion Laboratory could one day alter the way astronauts and spacecraft are protected, as well as provide the basis for shape-changing surfaces.
번역: 나사의 제트 추진 연구소에서 고안된 새로운 "직물"은 우주 비행사와 우주선 보호의 새로운 패러다임이며, 변형되는 모양을 가진 표면을 알 수 있는 단초를 제공해줍니다.

The chain mail-looking fabrics are currently in a prototype stage - 3D printed from materials like stainless steel and carbon fiber .
번역: 이 체인 메일 모양을 하고 있는 직물은 현재 기초 개발의 단계에 있으며 – 스테인레스 스틸이나 탄소 섬유와 같은 물질들로 3D 프린트 되었습니다.

The process creates an entire fabric made of just one piece, eliminating the potential points of failure that come with welding materials together. "This comes like these out of the machines so there's no connection. There's no welding. There is nothing like that. It's all one part and it's one single assembly. That not only makes integration much easier, but also allows you to play with geometries and shapes that you won't be able to do with any other process." NASA hopes that the fabric could eventually provide protection for astronaut suits or act as spacecraft skins. In addition, fabrics could potentially be printed in space, meaning astronauts could create it as needed. "The idea is you build this in a continuous basis so you don't have to work in the loom and connect the parts, you keep printing, printing, printing." Implementation of the fabrics is still a long way off - perhaps ten years or more. But they represent, what could be, the future of safety, technology, and construction in space.

나머지 번역은 http://hunift.blogspot.kr/2017/05/3d-printed-chain-mail-could-provide.html 위 URL로 방문해 주세요!

Lower consumer spending leads to weak U.S. growth
소비 감소로 미국의 성장 약화

The U-S economy grew at its slowest pace in three years in the first quarter as Americans spent less on computers, kitchen appliances, cars, and energy.
번역: 미국 경제는 미국인들이 컴퓨터, 주방 기구, 자동차, 그리고 에너지 등에 소비를 덜 하면서 1분기에 3년만에 가장 느린 속도로 성장했습니다.

The Commerce Department Friday saying GDP missed expectations growing just 0.7% in the first three months of the year, the slowest pace since the same quarter in 2014.
번역: 미국 상무부는 금요일에 국내 총생산이 올해 들어 첫 3개월 동안 0.7퍼센트 성장, 2014년 동일 분기 이래 가장 느린 성장에 그치며 예상치에 빗나갔다고 밝혔습니다.

Consumer spending accounts for more than 70 percent of overall economic growth, it crawled just 0.3% tanking from the 3.5% pace in the first quarter of 2016. Economists say the latest numbers are less likely a major issue for long-term growth because U.S. consumer confidence is high and the unemployment rate has been falling, key factors to keep the economy on track. Analysts say the spending slowdown is partly due to mild winter weather, which means less spending on utility bills.

나머지 번역은 http://hunift.blogspot.kr/2017/04/reuters-lower-consumer-spending-leads.html 으로 방문해 주세요!

Tech hype drives Didi Chuxing to $50 bln valuation
중국의 차량 공유 앱 디디추싱, 500억 달러의 가치

A eye-popping valuation for China's answer to Uber. Sources say Ride-hailing app DidiChuxing is close to a deal to that would value it at around $50 billion, making it the most valuable startup in China.
번역: 중국은 우버에 대한 가치를 상상을 초월할 정도로 평가했습니다. 소식통에 따르면 차량을 불러 이용할 수 있는 앱 디디추싱은 그 가치가 약 500억 달러에 달하는 것으로 보이며, 이 거래로 중국에서 가장 높은 가치의 스타트업 회사가 되었습니다.

The company is looking to tap investors for up to $6 billion in additional funding. But as Reuters' Breakingviews Robyn Mak explains, it's unclear why they even need the cash.
번역: 이 회사는 최대 60억 달러의 투자 자금 위해 투자자를 불러 모으고 있습니다. 하지만 로이터 브레이킹뷰의 로빈 마크가 설명하기론, 그들이 왜 현금을 필요한지 알 수 없습니다.

"Last June, they raised over 7 billion dollars from Apple and other investors. And at that time they already said that they had over 10 billion dollars of funds to use, um and shortly after that they acquired their largest competitor in China, Uber. So they have a near-monopoly in their home market. Uh, overseas expansion may be a factor.
번역: "지난 6월, 그들은 애플과 다른 투자자들로부터 70억 달러를 모금했습니다. 그리고 당시 중국에서 가장 큰 경쟁자인 우버를 인수하고 난 직후에, 그들은 이미 100억 달러 이상의 현금을 보유하고 있다고 했습니다. 그래서 국내 시장을 독점하고 있습니다.

So they do have stakes and investment in their partners in other countries, but um, but unless they're planning on buying one of their partners outright, it seems a bit unnecessary to raise an extra 5, 6 billion dollars." Even though overall, venture capital deal like this are slowing down right now, Lately a handful of tech funds have raised huge sums of money. Those sky-high numbers may partly be what's driving up Didi's value, too. "Didi's 50 billion dollar valuation is the latest sign of tech exuberance, uh, inflating startup values, and what I mean by that is some, a lot of tech-focused investors have been raising incredible sums of money, um so just earlier this month, Silverlake, closed a 15 billion dollar tech fund which is one of the largest in the U.S. on record, and of course you have Softbank, um which is finalizing a 100 billion dollar fund. So you have a lot of capital chasing a limited number of deals." If this 6 billion dollar drive goes through, Didi's valuation will have jumped up from 35 to 50 billion in less than a year. A bigger sack of cash is always nice to have, but investors will be watching to see how the company uses it to fuel its next conquest.

나머지 번역은 http://hunift.blogspot.kr/2017/05/reuters-tech-hype-drives-didi-chuxing.html 위 URL로 방문해 주세요!

McDonald's stock surges on results
분기 실적 호조에 맥도날드 주가 상승

All-day breakfast, Big Mac, and cost cut s behind McDonald's good results. The company reported a better-than-expected rise in quarterly profit and U.S. same-restaurant sales.
번역: 맥도날드의 좋은 결과 뒤에는 아침 식사 종일 제공, 빅맥, 그리고 비용 절감이 있었습니다. 맥도날드는 예상을 상회하는 분기 이익과 미국 내 매장 매출액이 상승하고 있다고 밝혔습니다.

Its shares popped on the news to an all-time high. McDonald's is two years into a turnaround under chief executive Steve Easterbrook.
번역: 주가는 이 소식에 사상 최고치로 상승했습니다. 최고 경영자 스티브 이스터브룩의 경영 하에 실적 호전을 맞은 지 2년째입니다.

He slashed overhead, introduced all-day breakfast, and switched U.S. restaurants to chicken raised without human antibiotics. He's now taking aim at Wendy's adding cooked-to-order, made from fresh beef Quarter Pounder. Next up for McDonald's, self-service kiosks and "smart" menu boards to speed up service. At least five brokerages have raised their price targets on McDonald's stock since it said in March that it's testing mobile ordering app.

나머지 번역은 http://hunift.blogspot.kr/2017/04/reuters-mcdonalds-stock-surges-on.html 위 URL로 방문해 주세요

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