Macron storms to victory in French election
프랑스 선거에서 승리를 가져온 마크롱
France has a new president... And his name is Emmanuel Macron.
번역: 프랑스에는 새로운 대통령이 있습니다... 그리고 그의 이름은 Emmanuel Macron입니다.
Early projections showing the 39-year-old independent centrist has won the second round vote... Fighting off far-right wing rival Marine Le Pen... And securing the keys to the Elysee Palace.
번역: 39세의 독립적 중도 주의자를 보여준 초기 계획안은 2라운드 때 득표를 얻었습니다... 우익 라이벌 마린 르 펜과 싸우고... 엘리제 궁전의 열쇠를 확보했습니다.
It's been billed as France's most important election in recent times. One which did away with the old left-right divide that has governed the country for decades.
번역: 그것은 최근 프랑스의 가장 중요한 선거가 되었습니다. 지난 수십년 동안 그 나라를 지배해 온 좌우 격차를 해소시킨 사람입니다.

Pro-EU leaders the bloc over likely breathing a sigh of relief... As France resists the anti-establishment wave that swept Trump into power and brought about Brexit. Macron had been economy minister under Socialist President Francois Hollande. He left to set up his own party, En Marche! just 12 months ago. The strongly Europe-minded ex-banker wants to cut state regulations in the economy while protecting workers. But the ex-banker currently has no representation in the French parliament. And the relative newcomer to politics might struggle to cobble together a centrist majority to push through his program. Elections in June may see him forced into an awkward "cohabitation" with the right wing conservatives.
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Macron storms to victory in French election
프랑스 선거에서 승리를 가져온 마크롱
France has a new president... And his name is Emmanuel Macron.
번역: 프랑스에는 새로운 대통령이 있습니다... 그리고 그의 이름은 Emmanuel Macron입니다.
Early projections showing the 39-year-old independent centrist has won the second round vote... Fighting off far-right wing rival Marine Le Pen... And securing the keys to the Elysee Palace.
번역: 39세의 독립적 중도 주의자를 보여준 초기 계획안은 2라운드 때 득표를 얻었습니다... 우익 라이벌 마린 르 펜과 싸우고... 엘리제 궁전의 열쇠를 확보했습니다.
It's been billed as France's most important election in recent times. One which did away with the old left-right divide that has governed the country for decades.
번역: 그것은 최근 프랑스의 가장 중요한 선거가 되었습니다. 지난 수십년 동안 그 나라를 지배해 온 좌우 격차를 해소시킨 사람입니다.
Pro-EU leaders the bloc over likely breathing a sigh of relief... As France resists the anti-establishment wave that swept Trump into power and brought about Brexit. Macron had been economy minister under Socialist President Francois Hollande. He left to set up his own party, En Marche! just 12 months ago. The strongly Europe-minded ex-banker wants to cut state regulations in the economy while protecting workers. But the ex-banker currently has no representation in the French parliament. And the relative newcomer to politics might struggle to cobble together a centrist majority to push through his program. Elections in June may see him forced into an awkward "cohabitation" with the right wing conservatives.
나머지 번역은 아래 URL로 방문해 주세요.
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