안녕하세요? 허니입니다. 저는 이미 20대가 지나 30대라서 20대 때 무슨 생각을 하고 지냈나 돌이켜 볼때가 많습니다. Huff Post에서 공감할만한 글을 공유하니 한번 읽어보세요.
Here Are All The Thoughts You Have During Each Year Of Your 20s
20대가 각 나이마다 갖게 되는 생각들
Progressing through your twenties is fun, until you get to your late twenties and realize it’s almost over. Basically, once you get passed the fun stuff, things get kind of serious, and you realize that your former fun self really screwed over your older, semi-responsible self because you’re now poor and unable to adult even though society is forcing you to.
20대를 살아가는 것은 즐겁다. 20대 후반이 되고, 거의 다 끝났음을 깨닫기 전까지는 말이다. 재미있던 때가 지나고 나면 모든 것이 조금은 심각해지고, 당신은 신나게 놀던 과거의 당신이 나이 들고 조금은 책임감이 생긴 지금의 당신을 엿먹였다는 걸 알게 된다. 이제 당신은 돈도 없고, 사회의 압력에도 불구하고 어른 행세를 하지도 못하기 때문이다.
That’s the dictionary definition of your twenties.
No, I’m kidding, but really. Adulting is hard at any age within your twenties. Even age 20! Lol.
Here are the stressful thoughts you have at each year of your twenties.
Ugh, how am I not 21 yet? Can this year just end already? I am sick of using a fake ID. I just want to be 21 and be able to buy booze legally. I want to be able to show a bouncer my ID without fiercely shaking on the inside. I am 20 years old!!! I’m not young anymore!!! THIS AGE SUCKS AND IS SO ANNOYING. I HATE IT. I can’t wait to be 21 and then eventually to be 29 and married and totally have my shit together! JUST KIDDING, 29 IS SO OLD. LOLOLOLOL.
I guess 22 is still young, but I’m not the youngest person at the bar anymore so that sucks. Whatever. Let’s drink.
Wow, now I’m really not the youngest person at the bar anymore. I’m starting to feel kind of old. And tired! The real world is so tiring! Wow, I need a drink. I’m going to black out so hard tonight. I just need to decide where to go tonight, but I have this whole night life thing down so it won’t be hard. I am basically a going out professional.
와, 진짜 이제 바에서 제일 젊은 사람이 내가 아니네. 좀 나이 든 기분이야. 그리고 피곤해! 현실 세계는 너무 피곤해! 와, 한잔해야겠다. 오늘밤엔 완전 꽐라 돼야지. 어딜 갈지만 정하면 되지만, 난 밤 문화엔 빠삭하니까 고르긴 어렵지 않을 거야. 난 이제 프로 술꾼이야.
I am getting so bored of all these bars. I feel like I’ve been going to the same places over and over again for the past couple of years. And now everyone that frequents these places is 21… Like three years younger than me 21. I used to rule these places. Now I feel old there. But I’m not old. I’m still in my early 20s. Or am I in my mid-20s? Whatever. Let’s day drink.
Ugh. I am officially in the middle of my 20s. Like the legit middle. When did this happen? When did I get this old? How did I used to go out both nights every weekend? Ugh work is so busy. I just want to sleep. But I’m not going to be young for that much longer so I should totally go out tonight. But ugh I just want to sit on the couch. And where would I even go? Where do 25-year-olds go out? I’m going to need a red bull vodka to stay awake tonight. I AM SO OLD. And everyone here is so young. Help.
Why doesn’t anyone want to go out like we used to anymore? And why is no one ever around? I have to make plans 16 years in advance to see people, and we only make plans now for a reason – like if it’s someone’s birthday. Everyone sucks, but I guess I prefer the couch, yoga pants and wine so it’s fine. I also don’t have clothes to wear “out” anymore anyway. And what is with all these weddings coming up? How do you even attend a wedding? How do you be in a wedding? Should I be thinking about getting married too? Or maybe I should just try saving some money for once in my life. UGH, RESPONSIBILITY. IT’S HAPPENING.
왜 아무도 예전처럼 나가놀질 않지? 다들 어디 간 거지? 사람들을 만나려면 16년 전부터 약속을 잡아야 하고, 누구 생일이라든가 하는 이유가 있을 때만 모여. 다들 짜증나. 하지만 괜찮아, 난 소파, 요가 팬츠, 와인이 더 좋은 것 같아. 어차피 외출할 때 입을 옷도 없는걸. 그리고 왜 자꾸 청첩장이 날아오는 거야? 결혼식장에 가면 어떻게 해야 되지? 나도 결혼을 생각해봐야 되나? 아니면 나도 이제 저축을 좀 해야 되려나. 윽, 책임이라는 게 생기고 있어.
I am so over going out. But I’m supposed to go out this weekend. Ugh, I should cancel. I am trying to lose weight and not spend money because I’m broke and feel like I should have money in savings because I’m, like, 27. I guess going out to dinner and drinks one night won’t hurt. I love how I consider “going out” going to dinner now and when I was 23, I considered “going out” getting black out drunk and passing out somewhere unfamiliar. My drink of choice was also vodka and now it’s wine. Times have changed. How did I go out so much back then? I get tired just thinking about it. Wow, I love the couch. But adulting still sucks. At least I’m not 28 yet.
외출은 지겨워. 하지만 이번 주말엔 약속이 있네. 윽, 취소해야겠다. 살 빼려고 노력 중이고, 돈이 없어서 아끼고 있단 말이야. 이제 27살이나 먹었으니 저축한 돈이 있어야 할 것 같아. 하룻밤 정도 저녁 사먹고 술 마시는 정도는 괜찮겠지. 23살 때는 ‘외출’이라고 하면 술에 취해 잘 모르는데서 뻗는 걸 생각했는데, 이젠 저녁 식사가 떠오르네. 예전엔 보드카를, 지금은 와인을 마시지. 달라졌어. 예전엔 어떻게 그렇게 외출을 자주 했지? 지금은 생각만 해도 피곤해. 아, 소파가 정말 좋아. 하지만 어른 행세는 아직도 짜증나. 최소한 아직 28살은 안 됐잖아.28
How did this happen? How did I get here? I feel the same as I did at 27 except there are more weddings draining my bank account and I know people who are having kids. Should I look into freezing my eggs? I am pretty much done with my 20s. Does that make me a real adult? Because I still don’t have enough money to buy a house or start a family or do anything cool anymore. Also, can I still go out and party? I joked that I was too old for that shit at 26 and 27, but now I might actually be too old. I guess it’s not like anyone would actually be down to go out like old times with me anyway… or would they?
Help me, I’m about to turn 30 and I still cannot afford my lifestyle… or your wedding... and I definitely do not have my shit together. I swear just yesterday I was 26. How did time go by this quickly?! At least I’m not 21 anymore. That was an insane time period. I would NEVER want to be 21 again. I’m gonna pour myself a wine and reflect on the past 10 years and then maybe meet my friends at a bar because we actually know where to go out now without feeling ancient. But I’ll stay in if I don’t feel like leaving my house because it’s my life and I do what I want. Ya feel?
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