Militants stage deadly terror attack in London
무장 세력, 런던 테러 공격

Police efforts focused on a deadly militant attack in London Saturday night.
경찰은 지난 3 일 밤 런던에서 발생한 끔찍한 테러에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.

Authorities say at least six people were killed as well as three attackers in what officials are calling an act of terror.
관계자는 테러 현장에서 3명의 테러범과 최소 6명이 살해되었다고 말했습니다.

Police say they believe there were no additional attackers beyond the three, who were shot and killed by armed officers.
경찰은 무장 경찰관들에 의해 사살된 세명 외 추가 범인은 없다고 했습니다.

Three major London hospitals are now on lockdown to keep patients and staff safe.
세개의 런던 주요 병원은 현재 환자들과 직원들을 안전하게 보호하기 위해 격리되어 있습니다.

They say at least 30 people were taken in by ambulance for injuries.
부상 때문에 적어도 30 명의 응급 환자가 구급차로 이송되었습니다.

Police say they were called out to reports of a van plowing through pedestrians and passers-by on the London Bridge.
경찰은 런던 브리지에서 보행자를 헤치고 테러를 일으킨 밴 차량의 신고를 받고 출동했습니다.

Shortly after that, emergency services answered reports of stabbings in nearby Borough Market.
이후, 응급 구조대는 보로우 마켓 인근에서 행인을 칼로 찌른다는 신고를 받았습니다.

Officials say armed units responded within minutes of the first emergency call .
고위 관계자는 경찰 특공대가 처음 전화를 받고 몇 분 이내에 대응을 했다고 말합니다.

Police say the attackers wore what looked like explosive vests, which were apparently hoaxes.
경찰은 테러범들이 폭탄 조끼를 입고 있었다고 했는데, 이는 기만 전략이였습니다.

Dozens of people caught in the attack in area were later escorted through a police cordon .
테러가 발생한 현장에 있었던 수십 명의 사람들은 나중에 경찰 통제선으로 보호받으며 호송되었습니다.

Some witnesses describing what they saw.
몇몇의 목격자들이 그들이 본 것을 설명하고 있습니다.

"And how many people did you see them stab?"
“얼마나 많은 사람이 칼에 찔렸는지 보셨습니까?”

"I don't know, three maybe more, I think more than five."
“모르겠어요. 어쩌면 세 명보다 더 많아요. 다섯 명이 넘는다고 생각되요.”

"No they don't care, they just stand up there, the police was in front and they stand up, then do it, just do it." "They fought the police?" "Yeah." Islamic State sent out a call earlier on Saturday to its followers to launch attacks during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. London's Thames river police said it was working with lifeboat rescue to locate any people that had jumped away from the attack on the bridge.

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