White House closer to expanding airplane laptop ban
미국, 노트북 항공기 기내반입 전면 금지하나

Just in time for the peak summer travel season - air travelers could face an expanded laptop ban that is sure to make security lines even longer.
여름철 여행 시즌의 절정에 딱 맞춰, 항공기 여행객들은 보안 검색대 앞에서 줄을 더 길게 서야하는 랩탑 컴퓨터 금지령에 맞딱드릴 수 있습니다.

The Trump Administration is moving closer to an all-out ban on bringing laptops on board in carry-on luggage to all flights coming in and out of the United States. Current restrictions on large electronic devices have been focused only on flights from 10 airports - including the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Turkey.
트럼프 행정부는 미국을 드나드는 모든 항공기들을 대상으로 휴대용 짐 안에 랩탑을 가지고 탑승하는 것을 전면적으로 금지하는 것을 검토하고 있습니다. 대형 전자 기기에 대해 현재 실행중인 제한은 아랍에미리트, 카타르, 터키 등 10개 공항의 항공편에만 집중되어 왔습니다.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly - hitting the airwaves over the Memorial Holiday weekend - saying the reason why the laptop ban expansion is being is considered is because "there's several very sophisticated threats. They're real. They're scary."
전몰 장병 추모일 연휴 주말에 방송을 탄 미국 안전부의 존 켈리 장관은 랩탑 금지령에 대한 확대의 이유에 대해 "몇몇 위협이 존재합니다. 그것은 실제로 존재하며 또한 두렵습니다" 라고 말했습니다.

And that's why the laptop ban expansion - is not the only new security measure being considered. The Transportation Security Administration already testing more intense screening of carry-on bags. At some airports, TSA is requiring passengers to remove additional items from their bags, so screeners can have a better look at what's inside. TSA agents have complained about travelers cramming too much into carry-on's in order to avoid checked-baggage fees, making it harder to check for banned items. No dates yet on when the total laptop bans or the stepped up screening will go into effect - but airlines say they are preparing to cope with the changes. Passengers, however, are going to need to prepare to take along more patience before heading out for their next flight.

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