안녕하세요? 허니입니다. 오늘은 유럽에 무수히 많은 이민자들에 대해 포스팅을 해 볼가 합니다.
Greeks, migrants stage rally over EU-Turkey migrant deal
그리스, EU-터키 이민 협상에서 이민자 집회 개최
More than 2,000 Greeks and migrants staged a rally in Athens on Saturday (March 18) over a deal between the European Union and Turkey designed to stem the flow of undocumented migrants.
번역: 2천 명 이상의 그리스인과 이주민들이 미등록 이주민의 유입을 막기 위해 유럽 연합 (EU)과 터키 간 협상을 통해 토요일 (3월 18일) 아테네에서 집회를 개최했다.
A year after the agreement took effect, men, women and children, including many migrants who have been stranded in Greece after the border closures along the Balkan 'migrant' route, took to the streets of the Greek capital and chanting "Open the borders" marched to the parliament and the offices of the European Union.
번역: 협약이 발효 된지 1년 후 발칸 '이주민' 루트를 따라 국경이 폐쇄된 후 그리스에 좌초 된 많은 이주민을 포함하여 남성, 여성, 어린이들이 그리스 수도의 거리로 데려와 "국경 개방"에 대한 내용으로 의회와 유럽 연합 (EU) 사무소를 향해 행진했다.
The protesters said that the EU-Ankara agreement was exposing people fleeing war, poverty and persecution to risk, abuse and harsh living conditions in the migrant camps and called on EU leaders to change their policies and cancel the deal. The EU-Ankara deal came into force on March 20, 2016 after more than a million refugees and migrants from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond reached Europe in 2015, crossing over to Greek islands from Turkey. Under the deal, anyone who crosses into Greece without documents can be deported to Turkey unless they qualify for asylum in Greece. From the onset, the EU-Turkey agreement has been fiercely criticized by United Nations refugee and human rights agencies, as well as rights groups, as immoral and a violation of international humanitarian law against blanket returns.
나머지 번역은 http://hunift.blogspot.kr/2017/03/reuters-greeks-migrants-stage-rally.html 으로 방문해 주세요!
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