North Korea launches suspected land-to-ship missiles
북한, 지대함 미사일 시험발사

More rocket fire from North Korea on Thursday morning, but not the kind of ballistic missile s that Kim Jong Un has been launching of late .
목요일 오전 북한이 발사한 미사일은 최근 발사되었던 탄도미사일이 아닙니다.

South Korean officials say they appeared to be land-to-ship rocket s, fired off the North's east coast and traveling around 200 kilometers.
한국 정부 관계자에 따르면 미사일은 지대함 미사일로 동해상으로 발사되었으며 200 Km 정도 비행간 것으로 보인다고 합니다.

Seoul and Washington are both investigating further.
한미 당국은 조사 중입니다.

It's the fourth missile test from Pyongyang since South Korean president Moon Jae In took office, and comes less than a week after the UN passed a new round of sanctions against the regime. North Korea has been testing dozens of short, medium and long-range missiles. Last month, state media reported that Kim Jong Un had ordered the development of ballistic rockets that could precisely target enemy vessels.

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North Korea says ready to sink U.S. aircraft carrier

북한, 미국의 항공모함 침몰시킬 준비 되어있다고 위협

A defiant North Korea escalating tensions Sunday, saying it's ready to sink a U.S aircraft carrier engaged in exercises in the western Pacific.
번역: 호전적인 북한은 일요일에 서태평양에서 훈련을 실시하고 있는 미국의 항공모함을 침몰시킬 준비가 되어있다고 말하며 긴장 상태를 고조시키고 있습니다.

The USS Carl Vinson carrier joining two Japanese navy ships sailing in the waters off the Korean peninsula. President Donald Trump ordering the show of force amidst the North's increased nuclear and missile tests, and threats to attack the United State sand its Asian allies.
번역: 미해군 소속 칼빈슨 항공모함은 한반도 해상에서 항해를 하고 있는 두 대의 일본 해군 함정들과 합류했습니다. 북한의 핵 및 미사일 실험과 미국과 미국의 아시아 동맹국들을 공격하려는 위협이 계속되는 가운데, 도널드 트럼프 대통령은 이 무력 시위를 허가했습니다.

The North's ruling Workers' Party newspaper calling the American aircraft carrier a "gross animal" and saying a strike would be quote "an actual example to show our military's force". The commentary appearing on page three of the newspaper, following a feature about leader Kim Jong Un inspecting a pig farm.
번역: 북군사적 위력을 보여주는 하나의 실례” 가 될 것이라고 말했습니다. 이 논평은 김정은의 돼지 농장 시찰을 다룬 기사에 뒤이어 그 신문의 3 페이지에 실렸습니다.

North Korea has conducted five nuclear tests, two of them last year, and is working to develop nuclear-tipped missiles that can reach the United States. It has also carried out a series of ballistic missile tests in defiance of United Nations sanctions. Adding to the strain, North Korea also detained a Korean-American man in his fifties Friday, bringing the total number of U.S.citizens held by Pyongyang to three. Sources say Tony Kim was in North Korea for a month teaching accounting at the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology. He was arrested at the airport on his way out of the country.

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